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Reviewer: Andreas Volkert from Cologne, Germany
One of the greatest photo books I have ever seen. Every single frame allows you to delve into the experience of living in New York. This book includes photos the kind of which no one has ever seen before. A continuation and expansion of the photographic language first introduced by Garry Winogrand in his late (virtually unknown) work, shooting the streets of LA from inside his moving car. In this book I found images that you see in the streets of New York but that no one seemed to be able to capture on film ... until now. Thanks to David Bradford for a monumental portrait of a monumental city.
Quintessentially New York
Reviewer: A reader from New York City
Bradford has an alert and whimsical eye. Of all the photography I have seen of New York, Bradford's body of work captures the energy and essence of what it is like to be here and live here, better than any I've seen. There is enormous love for the city and compassion for his subjects. There is also present a strong sense of irony alongside the photographer himself being humbled by this thing -New York City - which is depicted here as being as tame as it is wild. Like Bradford himself, this book is very engaging. If you like New York, or have an interest in photography or art, you'll appreciate "Drive-By Shootings."
One of the best photo books I've ever bought!
Reviewer: Tristan Tom from San Rafael, CA United States
This book is a great example of taking one's circumstances and surroundings and creating something artistic from them. The author transcends what might be an ordinary job into something extraordinary. Like a bumblebee buzzing throughout the city, Bradford in his cab with camera in hand shows us that NYC is a city full of vitality, life, and soul. As a published photographer myself, and someone who has not yet spent much time in New York, I really appreciate this book. It's one man's view of the city, yes. But he has such a great vantage point as part of the livelihood of it.
Bradford takes you there
Reviewer: orgazmikchik from Algonac, Michigan
I have never been to the Big Apple, though for as long as I remember, I have always wanted to go there. David Bradford (a taxi-cab driver) captured NYC from his cab window so well that it really "took me there". I got a feel of NYC while I flipped through the pages of his book. His idea to do this is not only inspirational, but brilliant as well. This book makes a perfect coffee table book- highly recommended to anyone who loves New York!
Great Book
Reviewer: A reader from CT USA
I was so excited to get this book when they showed the story on CBS Sunday Morning. The photographs were all taken with a Yashica T4 point and shoot camera, (the point and shoot of choice for most pro photographers)! The pictures are all in black and white too. The pictures are the pulse of New York City from the viewpoint of a New York Cabbie. I love this concept. I love that this man has used a wonderful point and shoot camera (now discontinued...shame on you, Yashica!), and how he photographs the city while driving. He also photographs the passengers (great idea!!). The text is fantastic. It lets you really understand where he is coming from when he took the pictures. What makes this book wonderful is this combination of text and photography, and that it is a new struggling artist who makes his living by driving a cab in New York City, a very rough job indeed.
An interesting ride
Reviewer: nycpassenger from The Big Apple
For those of you who care, yes, David Bradford is all right after the attack because I was fortunate enough to hop onto his cab this morning! The book is truly excellent and one-of-a-kind as it captures the essence of New York City - not just the skyscrapers but the people as well. If you love New York City, this is a must have book! And if you are in town next, definitely look for David's cab! As for me, I will eagerly await his new book. Now I only wish all NYC's cabbies were friendly and interesting like him!
Brilliant photo techniques
Reviewer: A reader from Chicago, IL USA
This book is a hurricane of black and white photos taken in New York city, by a man who knows his way around the city and camera. He was brought up in a suburb of Chicago, and decided to move to New York to follow his heart. The picture take you inside his taxi and allows you to look through his eyes at the great city of New York. I highly recommend this book.
True New York
Reviewer: warmind from Copenhagen, Denmark
To me, David Bradford is the premier cityscape photographer. He certainly has more than just "the eye" for it. Looking at his pictures might give the overnight tourist a deeper and more complete look at this city of cities. I only pray that he is all right after the attack.
A "must buy" for any NYC lover
Reviewer: ska1965 from Pittsburgh, PA United States
I happened to catch a ride in David Bradford's cab yesterday, 1/22/01 from Greenwich Village to La Guardia - I was very lucky to get an autographed copy of this book from him (he managed to sign it during a typical jam on the BQE). It is a "must buy" for any NYC (or big city) lover and provides a unique, B&W, pictorial view from a cab. Highly recommended.
Great Idea
Reviewer: Stephanie from Williamstown, Ma USA
This book has got to have one of the best concepts I've seen in a while. The idea of a taxi driver while driving around New York taking pictures of the city from downtown to uptown is one of most original ideas. The pictures in the book give you a true feel for New York City. It catches the glitzy, fancy parts of the life, while also showing you the real people in the city. The actual photo quality is fairly impressive and some of the shots are particularly impressive. There isn't a part of the city that isn't captured. The text is interesting, and in 3 languages (english, german, and french), which makes it a little touristy, but it is none the less relatively well written. Definitely a great book for any photo-documentary / photo-journalism fan, or New York lover.
Reviewer: A reader from London, UK
I am British, but have lived in New York in the past, and I bought this book to try and satisfy my craving for 'The Big Apple' whilst in France. I found it stunning, and could not stop reading the non-fiction prose about New York cabs in general, and looking at the wonderful, evocative photos which capture the many facets of Manhattan life wonderfully. Anyone who loves New York would love this book (and probably anyone interested in photography would too!)
New York for those who can't be there
Reviewer: A reader from Recently transplanted to the South from NYC
I found this book to be a true depiction of what it means to be in New York - not just the skylines and the tourist attractions. Bradford's perspective - both literally (from the inside of a cab) and mentally - give the pictures a unique feel. In addition, the organization of the book - day, night, rain, snow - convey the notion that the city is continually changing it's mood and it's feel. I would highly recommend this book.
All photography and videos copyright © David Bradford. All rights reserved.